Tax Forms

2025 Federal Form W-4

Form W-4: This form is used to change/adjust your Federal Exemptions, once form is completed it is then submitted to your employer/human resource office. Always remember the higher the number you claim, the "less taxes" are taken out, which means Big Take Home Pay, but when you file your taxes end of the year, you will either get Little/No Refund or might even pay back to the Federal Government. Now the lower the number or Claim 0, they will take out "more taxes" from your pay, which means Small Take Home Pay, but when you file your taxes end of the year, you will get a reasonable amount of Refund or not owe as much. If you are filling this out at a new Job, or just making some changes/adjustments, be sure to consult your tax advisor before making any final decisions on changing your W-4 Form. Right-Click Document to Open.

Download: PDF icon fw4_21.pdf
Maryland Form MW507

To change your exemptions/allowances complete the Form MW507 and submit to Human Resources or Payroll Department at your job. Right-Click to open document.

Download: PDF icon mw507.pdf
Virginia Form VA-4

To change your exemptions/allowances,complete the Form VA-4 and submit to Human Resources or Payroll Department at your job. Right-click to open document.

Download: PDF icon va-4-any.pdf
IRS Publication 17

For all Individual Tax Filers, this IRS Publication is very helpful, this will keep you up-to-date, it will give you details on all types of possible deductions, and all items that cannot be deducted. And more information regarding Federal Taxes for Individuals. Right-Click Document to Open.

IRS Publication 463

This IRS Publication will break down all details in regards to Travel, Entertainment, and Business Related Expenses. Right-Click Document to Open.

IRS Publication 529

IRS Publication 529: Miscellaneous Deductions, a detailed list of all acceptable and non-acceptable miscellaneous deductions. Right-Click Document to Open.

Download: PDF icon p529.pdf
IRS Publication 535

IRS Publication 535: Business Expenses this publication breaksdown all allowable business expenses, it will also tell you on how to keep track of your business expenses. Right-Click Document to Open.

IRS Publication 587

IRS Publication 587: Business Use of Home (Including Day Care Providers), this publication will give you information on how to report this type of expense on your tax return, and how you will keep record of the expense. Right-Click Document to Open.
